Faith is the common theme in the readings today. The Book of Job in the first reading speaks of God’s assurance of his fidelity to Job in the midst of trials and tragedies, while the Gospel recounts the story of the disciples feeling terrified as they were being tossed in the sea by a strong wind in which Jesus asks them “Why are you terrified? Do you not have faith?” Fear is something that is innately human. When something important or
valuable is at stake, when something very important is about to be lost whether it be
relationship, health, material possession or life itself, it is so easy to be overcome by fear.
Christian discipleship is a process of developing and honing a faith that can withstand the strong winds and waves that at times cripple our trust and confidence in the Lord. It’s not easy—like the disciples in today’s Gospel, humanly speaking we are wired to react with fear when we are faced with something that is beyond our control – but with faith, our human nature is elevated with a spark of the divine, allowing us to keep still and be peaceful despite the strong winds that happen in our life, despite the powerful waves that toss us in different directions. Faith refrains us from asking the question of the disciples, “Teacher, do you not care that we perish?” – because God does care! We might not understand how his mind works all the time, but his loving providence is unwavering – and, in his own time, “he will quiet the sea of our lives and keep it calm.” But a strong faith is needed in order for us to persevere in his grace and patiently see the work of his hands in our lives. Is your faith more powerful that the strong winds and waves of your life?
As we celebrate Father’s Day this Sunday, please join me in pausing for a moment to pray for all our fathers – spiritual and biological - that God’s blessings may continue to be poured on them: “God our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless these men, that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord.”
Happy Father’s Day – Fr. Cary