Many of you have asked me on how my first few days at St. C's had been. It's actually been almost three weeks already since I started my ministry here at the parish! Already? It's amazing how time flies. I can only be thankful for the warm welcome that Fr. Mark and I have received since we arrived. I am very much grateful and appreciative for making us feel at home in the short span of time. The staff has also been very helpful in orienting me with the core programs of the parish. I must say that there are so many things to learn but as what I've said we will take it slow and easy so that we can prudently discern what needs to be prioritized in the wider scheme of things.
For the past two Sundays, the Gospel readings were filled with farming theme: yokes, seeds, sowing, soil etc. These are images that point to the Kingdom of God. The gospel this Sunday continues with the Kingdom Parables. The Greek word for the "kingdom" as used in the Gospel readings is "basileia", which can be translated as "reign" or "kingship". It does not just denote a particular place, but an environment or a situation where God's values abound. This means that God's kingdom is not just a destination that we all look forward to, but it starts right here with us. Our call to discipleship then is to make present God's kingdom in whatever situation we might find ourselves into, making the values of Jesus as our own. In this way, we also long all the more for the fulfillment of this kingdom in heaven.
Speaking of living out the Kingdom, I am very proud of our teens who are participating in the Catholic Heart Work Camp (CHWC) in Montana this week. CHWC "provides parish youth groups, teens and adult leaders service opportunities to restore homes and hearts, feed the hungry, lift the spirits of children, bring joy to the elderly and disabled and offer assistance while partnering with social agencies". Let's keep them in our prayers that as they transform other people's lives; they will be transformed as well with their experiences and deepen their relationships with God. Have a blessed week ahead!